Have you ever asked why there is no traffic on your website? You may have web traffic, but it’s not converting to potential customers, which means its the wrong audience for you. Many still using SEO activities, which were successful some years ago but today have no importance.
If so, the SEO tactics need to be replenished. With time, best SEO practices grow and change as Google and other search engines adjust search approaches and algorithms.
SEO is a never staying constant operation. Whether you’re new or an SEO expert, you will only keep up with your game by learning what works and what is obsolete. In this article, we will address why the SEO strategy needs to be re-thought through pointing at strategies that no longer work.
1. Keyword Density Approach:
Knock it out if you still regard keyword density as an essential part of your content marketing strategy. This practice goes back to the time when Google used Metadata strings for rankings.
Google now uses RankBrain to understand the context of a website with artificial intelligence. Keywords not only make the post full of spams, but you can also trigger the Panda algorithm and take a hit in the ranking of your website. Focus on being contextually relevant and truly helpful to the users rather than worrying about keywords. Must check the keyword density for your next blog.
2. Titles stuffed with keywords:
Filling keywords in the title are no longer a recipe for success and can even be detrimental in their names. Research shows that search engines rank the sites for the keywords that are not even in the title tag. Install a snippet that describes the page and invite users to click on it, not be anxious about placing a keyword in the title.
3. Buying links to rank higher:
There was some time when “enough” matching text anchor links to your strong PR URL page guaranteed a top ranking. It is foolish enough to claim this activity is gone, but it is certainly on its way to death.
Take a look at any of the Black Hat sites, and you’ll find leaders who lament that the PBNs are not functioning as they used to be. Linking is still important for SEO performance, but things are different after the Penguin algorithm was introduced. It’s a waste of time to cut corners and take shortcuts for link building.
You must shift your attention to acquiring high quality, topically relevant links, rather than focusing on getting any link. If you know how to properly execute link building, less is more. You can check all of your backlinks for free using online tools.
4. Press releases for SEO:
Few SEO strategies, like press releases, have been widely misused. There was a time when SEO experts were generating a flood of irrational press releases to get a corresponding link of anchor text.
This trend was captured by Google, and Google eventually devalued the links, and many of the PR companies decided to nofollow the links. It should not be to get a link when you want to issue a press release. Only for a genuinely newsworthy event should a press release be issued. Only newsworthy press releases should be released, which will improve the reputation of your brand and reputation is almost everything in this business.
If you can’t say you’re going to make a press release even though it doesn’t have SEO value, probably you shouldn’t.
5. Automation for Content:
Content that is automatically generated or spun is one of the largest remains in a long-standing SEO period. Google’s job is to produce quality results and a good user interface, and SERPs have no space for this waste. Automated generated content holds no value in the eyes of search engines today. When you build, copy, or spin content automatically, don’t be shocked if a mere spam penalty is applied to you.
The NLG programs are used at the company level successfully to create content on a bigger scale. NLG stands for natural language generation. It is an artificial intelligence-based program that uses data input to create larger content. Nothing beats original content written by people for smaller enterprises.
6. Ignoring the mobile experience of your site:
More than 60% of Google searches are rendered on mobile devices. This can no longer be ignored by Google’s commitment to the first mobile index.
Websites have to be smoothly accessible across every device, including tablets and mobiles, in order to succeed online. The new algorithm affects certain UI components, at least, which particularly disrupt pop-up ads. If you do not put users first, you will have a lower chance to improve web visibility.
7. Writing short content:
The days had passed when 400 to 600-word article rich with keywords was written to qualify for any type of online competition. It’s a waste of time in most situations now. It draws a penalty in the worst cases.
To get maximum visibility on search engines, long-form content rules. Study shows that web pages with bigger blog posts have been higher in ranks than shorter blog posts. A blogpost of 2000 words is considered as ideal nowadays. If you have any concerns, look easily for anything that comes into your mind, and you’ll probably find material with longer and longer posts.
8. Link building from guest posting:
Guest blogging is the only SEO technique that has been more exploited than press releases. Despite the official alerts from Google, online marketing professionals took every opportunity to write material, whether the content was appropriate, good, or bad. On authority websites, you can see lots of offers to post as a guest.
Selling blog entries became increasingly difficult for enterprises like Forbes, Entrepreneur, & Inc, that they start using nofollow tags.
In a few words, Make sure you do this in specific pages, sites known as trustworthy in your niche before you venture into guest blogging. Forget about blogging high volume posts as a guest on websites of low quality.
9. Depending on catchy phrases for higher ranking:
Another myth about SEO is that there is a high level of content traffic for a catchy phrase or a word in the brain. It is not arguable that the pages or websites with higher rank get more traffic. There is no guarantee, though, that you will earn further leads, conversions or clicks.
Trophy phrases usually drive the flow of traffic, but long phrases, drive conversions. You should have a descriptive approach to the keywords. Your webpages must provide details about exactly what your product or service provides.
Wrapping up:
Search engine optimization is a unique process, and it never stays the same. It is the only area in which doing the same thing will produce bad results over time. In other areas, you have to do the same work for years and years, but SEO is something exclusive. It will change and grow when you think you know everything about SEO.
Due to the fluidity of search algorithms, you also need to have a smooth approach to SEO. Use these free SEO tools to work like an SEO pro.