
6 Types of Apps That Make Your Mobile Workforce More Efficient

Workforce efficiency is a top priority for most enterprises. With even the biggest corporations facing ever-tightening budgets, the pressure’s on to do more with less. Mobilization has done more than just allow teams to stay in touch on the road – the rise in sophisticated mobile applications makes it possible to streamline a variety of business functions, prioritize tasks, manage projects more efficiently and more. Here are a few types of apps that can dramatically boost your team’s productivity.

On the right path: Navigation apps

Field service workers and even mobile sales pros are on the road most days, all day. They’re also faced with finding unfamiliar places and sometimes navigating completely unchartered territory. When service calls are scheduled for a specific time, customers expect promptness – yet a wrong turn can cause delays for even the most conscientious employees.

Navigation apps work in the cloud, so they’re always up-to-date with the latest turn-by-turn directions. Some even have the capability to suggest alternative routes to avoid known construction areas.

In the loop: Collaboration apps

Last-minute changes are the norm for today’s enterprises. Making changes to critical components of a sales presentation or company metrics before a big meeting used to create mass chaos, but collaboration apps eliminate this challenge.


These apps allow teams to communicate seamlessly and ensure that every team member has the most up-to-date documents and statistics at any moment. They’re also handy for project management and task delegation, freeing up team leaders to dig in and help with the workload rather than spend all their valuable time ensuring everyone’s on-task.

On target: Analytics apps

Mobile business apps that monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) are ideal tools for enterprises using lean startup principles. These analytics applications provide a simple and effective way to keep tabs on all the important metrics that count, so you can make rapid decisions and switch directions on a dime when a new initiative isn’t producing desired results – or move full steam ahead when the numbers are better than expected.

Analytics apps aren’t just for lean startups, though. Measurement is critical for success in today’s ever-evolving business landscape. Being able to tap into company stats mid-meeting to drive decision-making is just one way some companies are powering ahead of the competition.

In the flow: Field scheduling apps

There are so many variables that impact field scheduling, it’s no wonder this task creates a full-time position for many enterprises. What was once a time-consuming, frustrating and complex process is now simple and straightforward with field scheduling apps.

The most sophisticated field scheduling applications or service dispatch software can take a ton of factors into account, such as preferences, roles, overtime limits, regulatory guidelines, skill distribution and more. And that means last-minute call-offs won’t throw a wrench in an entire week’s schedule – these apps can uncover hidden solutions that solve immediate issues without compromising other carefully-laid plans.

In the clear: Health and safety apps

Safety officers and HR leaders have their hands full with on-the-job safety concerns. Naturally, your team’s safety is a primary concern, as well as following regulations. Some industries have more complicated safety concerns, and they may even change on a day-to-day basis depending on the nature of a job site.

Health and safety apps enable you to pinpoint potential problems and create proactive safety measures to keep your team safe and functioning at full capacity. There are also apps with features such as mobile accident reports, vehicle inspection tools, and reporting functions for safety inspections and other routine procedures.

On the go: Personal productivity apps

Not all mobile business apps are team-focused. In fact, some of the best productivity apps are designed for personal productivity. Today’s professionals are juggling multiple roles, several simultaneous projects and personal responsibilities. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of tasks.

Personal productivity apps function like interactive to-do lists, with the ability to set reminders, assign tasks, track progress, and manage appointments. Productivity is the driving force of the day both on the job and off, and these applications help users get more done in less time – almost like getting a few extra hours in the day.

It’s a mobile, app-driven world, with millions of mobile apps serving a variety of purposes from the essential and valuable to the quirky and unexpected. Enterprises that take advantage of the convenience and functional capabilities mobile apps provide aren’t just saving time and money – they’re outpacing the competition.

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