With so many businesses moving to cloud storage and sharing systems, it is an exciting time for IT professionals. Working in a cutting edge industry always requires IT technicians to keep up with the latest developments, but with more businesses paying close attention to their IT infrastructure than ever before, there has never been a better time to work in this field. In fact, it is expected that the IT jobs will have increased by almost 17% by 2022. IT is an industry that has a place for everyone because the path to a career in IT is a flexible one. With that being said, what does it take to become a great IT tech?
The most obvious answer and first step is training; lucky for many there are a number of routes one can take to getting properly trained in IT. You don’t have to go to University as there are many trade schools and certification programmes that enable you to upskill and prepare for a career as an IT Technician. Many of these programmes can be completed in less than a year and get you right into the field. Here we discuss just a few steps to becoming great in the field of technical support.
Care about the business you’re supporting
This may seem like a pretty simple suggestion but an important one. Every industry is now in need of IT Technicians it is just the way of the future. Take some time to learn about the business that you are supporting, this includes the job functions of the people that work there. The better understanding you have of an organization needs holistically the better prepared you can be which will transfer to quality service for your client.
Never stop learning
As mentioned earlier the first step to working in IT is to get properly trained but the follow up to that is continuous professional development (CPD). Whether your organisation pays for your CPD or not, it is an IT technician’s duty to do all they can to remain knowledgeable and at the forefront of their profession.
The tech world is constantly evolving, becoming both more complex and user friendly. This means that as a specialist your skills need to stay ahead of trend to ensure that you are best prepared for any and all client needs. Attend a trade conference or simply utilize the internet for free trainings and web classes.
Keep up with the trends in tech
Training and skill development throughout your career is essential and it also a direction to this step. Good techs are following the trends in the industry, great techs are most likely ahead of those trends; they need to be to stay competitive. It is important to stay current, attending conferences and utilizing insider resources is key and will show potential clients that you are committed to providing the best solutions for their business. This is also applicable if you end up working for a dedicated IT support business, such as Syntax in London.
Get experience
One of the great things about this industry is that experience can be gained without acquiring a traditional job and it can be done while you are getting your certification. If you are thinking about getting into IT you are already likely to be tech-minded. Take that interest and put it into practice; try building a computer or working on old systems. Internships are also a great way to get experience while learning from experts first hand.
- Build your network, find a champion
This area is one that is often forgotten about but growing a professional network is what helps get people employed. Mentoring is an important part of any industry and every professional needs someone who has been there, done it and got the T-shirt. Now, more than ever, it is about whom you know and that isn’t a bad thing. Find someone that can mentor you in your trade and who can champion you to potential employers and respective clients.
This article was written by Syntax IT Support London – one of the capital’s leading IT support and infrastructure providers.