Ever since blogs and websites came into existence, Email marketing has played a vital role in promoting a brand. Lately, many bloggers, webmasters and internet users have misconceptions that communicating and promoting themselves to their existing clients or prospects through an E-mail is passé. No wonder they think so. All the new, highly circulating social media networks that are successfully grabbing their place in every brand’s online marketing strategy make them think so. But ironically, the Email lists of any company website/blog are still the best way to promote, communicate and thereby upgrade the brand’s online reputation.
Any reputable online reputation management agency will agree with this. They also use email lists to increase and manage the online reputation or the online image of their clients.
Here are the reasons why email listing is relevant even today:
a) People may not check your company’s website each day for updates; but they are sure to check their mail inbox daily.
b) Social network’s notifications and updates (that come up on one’s newsfeeds) are more easily ignorable as compared to an email (with a catchy subject line) in one’s inbox.
c) Most of the affiliate marketing pundits make most of their income from their email list; not their social pages/profiles or affiliate websites.
d) Email list is built based on value and trust. By no means can any webmaster build an email list by mere persuasion. That means your email subscribers are your true followers and are more likely to go by what you say. This is the best gauge of measuring your online reputation.
By now you may have been convinced and you can now realize that email lists are a great way to build your online reputation.
But how?
It depends on how you deploy your email list. What you choose to do with your email list make the difference.
Here are some great ways you can manage your email list to boost you business’s online image –
- Services Advertising: What is best way to display your services? The best way is to show people that your offer a fleet of services and consultation. Don’t always promote only a single service (the one which fetches you the most), rather, design your mails in such a way that they project you as a guru in your niche, one who has all the answers to all related issues.
- Promote your achievements: Don’t get bogged into always promoting your products and services. Grab a chance to tell people that you have achieved something. Design a mail that boosts of your recent achievement like winning an award in your services, being chosen as one among the ‘tops’, etc. Another thing, you need not only post your brand’s success; you can also show off the achievements of your employees. This way, you can get them to believe that your company is filled with PROs. You are just banking on your employee’s success to bring up your reputation. Conversely, you also make your subordinates happy.
- Ask for Feedback: By asking for feedback, you make it explicit that you are gutsy enough to face your own flaws and are willing to do something better for your clients or website/blog’s followers. Do not be known as a brand that only care to pitch its products and never bothers to know how the delivered products are adding value to its clients. This way you can make your customer relationships stronger.
- Go off track: One widely used technique in building online reputation is by giving a personal touch to whatever you say and do (not too often though).
It gets quite boring if you regularly receive computerized messages from a brand. Right?
How would you feel if someday, out of nowhere you received a personalized note of just a simple “Hello! How you doing?” from a recognized and top executive of the company?
You’d be more interested in such a mail. Isn’t it?Also, you will start to look at the person as someone who knows how to play the game of relationships; and ironically you would not mind being played with.
Ultimately, what you choose to do with your email list is what matters in building your online reputation. Use these techniques and find the change for yourself. If you need further help in the same line, I suggest you to hire an online reputation consultant who can boost it up to the sky.