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5 Reasons to Never Hire a Solo Contractor for PPC Ad Management

Have you been running your own PPC ad campaign, or have you hired a dedicated in-house team to run it for you? If so, you’re probably seeing some results, which is fantastic. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing your hard work pay off. 

While you can certainly achieve some success with an in-house PPC ad team, you can achieve much more through a professional marketing agency.

  1. PPC ad campaign management is a full-time job

When most companies hire individuals to implement and manage their PPC ad campaigns, they don’t bring them on full-time. On the surface, this appears to make sense. How could managing a PPC ad campaign require eight hours of work per day? 

While it seems like PPC ad management wouldn’t be a full-time position, it is, and it’s a position that requires the support of yet another full-time team of marketers. This connects with the next point.

  1. You can’t manage PPC ads in a vacuum

A PPC ad campaign needs to be tightly integrated into a larger, overall marketing strategy. Since no individual can manage the entirety of any marketing strategy, it really does take a team to manage PPC ads properly.

A professional ad agency specializing in Google Ads will oversee your entire marketing campaign and integrate all components to work together. Rather than hiring individuals to take care of individual marketing components, an ad agency provides experts in each area of marketing, but they collaborate as a team. This team collaboration is the key to making your PPC ad campaign work.

  1. You can’t know if they’re really qualified

It’s virtually impossible to verify an individual’s qualifications for managing PPC ads. Many of today’s contractors learned everything they know online through non-traditional educational sources like Coursera, Lynda, and even YouTube.

Contractors may be able to show you results they’ve gotten for other companies, but with names blacked out, it’s hard to know if they’re real. You can ask to speak to former clients to verify results, but that can make your relationship awkward. Although it’s common practice in many industries to ask for client referrals, you might find that a little weird.

The only way to find out if an individual is qualified to run your PPC ad campaign is to give them a shot. Let them work on your ads and see what happens. This requires spending payroll money and is a risky expense.            

When you hire a professional ad agency to manage your PPC ads, you don’t have to wonder about their credentials. You will get results.

  1. You won’t know how to manage your PPC ad specialist

If you’re hiring a PPC ad manager, chances are, you aren’t familiar with the job. That makes it harder to manage any contractor(s) you hire. Managing PPC ads doesn’t have standard deliverables like other jobs.

If you hire a contractor to come to the office five days per week for four hours per day, how will you know what they’re doing all day? Can you verify their work? If they give you numbers, will you know if they’re generating ineffective leads through high-volume keywords?

Probably not.

When you work with a professional ad agency, on the other hand, they’ll already have a system for reporting results to you on a regular basis. They’ll also be able to show you results that don’t require verifying daily work. When you pay an ad agency to get the job done, that’s what they focus on every day. The results speak for themselves.

  1. You can’t afford mediocre results

Some people can get really good at getting mediocre results. If you don’t know what results you should be getting, those mediocre results can look great. For example, if you’ve been spending $5,000 per month on PPC ads and never got any results, you’ll be thrilled to have your budget cut in half while seeing some results.

Getting better results doesn’t mean you’re dealing with a professional. If your campaign was poor to begin with, it won’t be hard to get results. 

The true test will come when your results even out and you need to take your marketing campaign to the next level. A contractor with limited experience won’t know how to scale your ad campaign like a professional ad agency.

Experienced ad agencies get better results

Some contractors can get amazing results, but they are few in number. To maximize your ad spend and results, you really need a professional ad agency managing your PPC ad campaign.

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