
SEO Positioning Tips Using WordPress Plug-Ins

Ranking high for specific keywords, for example essays, college papers, writing, in Google is possible by applying these SEO positioning tips using WordPress plug-ins. Developers have created a number of free and premium plug-ins that are for optimizing WordPress blog for search engines. WordPress is a versatile blogging platform in which plug-ins add more advanced features and capabilities.

SEO is possible by searching through WordPress’s catalog of available plug-ins and installing the ones that you would like to try. Be sure to compare their features and reviews carefully before uploading them to your WordPress blog. The following is a list of positioning tips and features to look out for when selecting plug-ins for SEO.

List of SEO WordPress Plug-Ins

Customize titles and descriptions

WordPress auto generates a page for each post, page, category, and tag. By using a SEO plug-in, you should be able to customize the titles and descriptions of each of these pages. Use the Google Keyword tool to help find keywords for your titles and descriptions that have a decent amount of searches each month. Plugins to look at for this are:

  • All-in-one SEO Pack
  • SEO Title Tag

Generate an XML sitemap

It is important to keep the sitemap up-to-date so that search engine spiders can find all of your blog pages easily. The best plug-ins will update your sitemap each time you create a new page or post. Google especially looks for blogs with sitemaps and recommends having a separate sitemap if you are interested in submitting articles to Google News. Plugins to look at for this are:

  • Google XML Sitemap
  • XML Sitemaps

Increase performance

Search engines favor fast loading websites. One way to increase the loading speed is by controlling the page cache. While not all SEO plug-ins offer this feature, stand-alone plug-ins are available that offer this capability. Plugins to look at for this are:

  • WP Super Cache
  • Quick Cache

Add image “ALT” tags

By including valuable keywords as an image “ALT” tag, it can increase that page’s ranking for that keyword. While this can be added to images when they are uploaded, plug-ins are available that allow them to be auto generated based on your preferences. Plugins to look at for this are:

  • SEO Friendly Images
  • JR Post Image

Create internal links

Use tags and breadcrumbs within WordPress in order for search engines to determine the importance of certain pages. The more links pointed to a particular page, the more the search engine will realize that this page is of value. Adding tags is a general feature of WordPress, but if your template does not offer breadcrumbs then some SEO plug-ins can insert this into your pages. Plugins to look at for this are:

  • Yoast Breadcrumbs
  • Breadcrumbs NavXT

Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines

By using the listed SEO positioning tips using WordPress plug-ins, bloggers can increase their ranking of valuable keywords. The key is to make sure the keywords chosen for the blog’s titles, descriptions, image tags, and content match those that its ideal visitors will be using when searching.

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