Categories: Facebook

5 Killing tips to increase likes for your facebook pages

Facebook pages

Facebook pages really entertain us very much. The admins used to put their whole effort in trying to increase the facebook likes for their pages, But many of them fails to increase them. This post is dedicated specially for all those admin’s who want to increase likes for their pages. Even there are some bot’s available on internet which can give you some likes within no time,But those are fake like and never try them on your page. I have even came across few sites on internet which will provide likes for your pages for some money. But you really don’t want to go for them if you follow the below mentioned tips.

I have noticed that many of the page admin’s are not making use of the user name feature for facebook pages. With the use of your username then you can share your pages easily.  If you don’t have a username then just follow the steps to get one for your page.

  • Open your page and you can see the settings panel at the top of your page . Click on “Edit page” and select “Manage Permissions”
  • Go to “Basic information”
  • You can see “username” option there. Click on  Create a username for this page ?
  • Now choose a username for your page and conform it.

Before that your page address will be some thin like this

But after that it will be like

Here are the five killing tips through which you can Boost your facebook pages likes easily…!!

1. Update your page regularly with interesting content

There may be many pages related with same concept of your page, but posting updated content will drag you some good number of fans and likes. Try to post some Interesting and awesome pics which people love.

Please Read: Important tips to increase your facebook Security

2. Post sharable content

“share” is real  boon for all admins. Always see that your photos and  videos get more shares. The more shares you get the more likes you gain. Interesting images and videos always make facebook users to share them. Get some awesome videos from Youtube and take some good images from google and post them on your page. Ask your fans to share them, within no time you can get like for sure.

3. Tag your images and ask your fans to do the same.

If you tag someone for any image or video then automatically that particular images or video will be shown on the profile of respective person and even in updates of his/her friends. This will help you as free promotion to get more likes. Try to tag as much as people you can and make sure that you tag different fans each time..!

4. Share your page on facebook groups

Promoting on facebook groups is also an good way to get facebook page likes. But don’t spam more. I always used to see many people spamming a lot in facebook groups but that will leads to ruin good name of your page. SO just promote on groups which are related to your page.

5. Ask other page admin’s to share your page

Exchange links on other pages which are related to your niche. This is just like you will help them to get likes to their page and in turn they will help you in getting likes to your page. Although this seems to be simple this works brilliantly and helps you a lot in increasing your page likes..!

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