
How to Tame Email Marketing. Tips to increase sales

New trends and tools are constantly emerging in the field of marketing. For example, artificial intelligence, chatbots, demand for visuals and much more. But one thing remains indestructible — email marketing. It perfectly strengthens the relationship between the seller and the buyer and opens brilliant opportunities on the way to a successful b2b lead generation company. Mailing lists continue to pour into the recipients’ mailboxes, and new approaches to the formation of letters do not keep you waiting. Therefore, you need to be friends with email. According to statistics, email marketing is 40 times more effective in attracting customers than Facebook and Twitter. The data was provided by the consulting company McKinsey & Company.

In this guide, we will tell you why email marketing is still not losing ground and what tools are there to conquer it.

Email marketing is not just sending out any emails. This powerful b2b marketing tool is able to increase the business lead list (read about cold leads here with minimal resources and costs.

Remember that emails should not be sent to everyone. Yes, we understand, I really want to send a message about the new collection to every mailbox in your contact list. But look at this one from the other side — every time an unsolicited letter is sent to spam. This harms the reputation of your domain and has a bad effect on the image of the store. Therefore, unobtrusively send emails only to interested users who are waiting and responding positively to mailings.

Three basic email rules

Let’s reveal the basic rules of competent work with letters that will surely increase your effectiveness and help to increase the business lead list.

  • Each letter has its own purpose

Imagine that you, as a customer, walked through the catalog and put something in the basket. But then your cat knocked over a vase of flowers on the floor, and you had to pick up the pieces instead of paying for the goods. Then the online store will send you a letter after a while, where it will kindly remind you of the presence of goods in the basket.

This is convenient for both customers and the store. Customers will not forget what they wanted to buy, and the store will make a profit.

  • Send a newsletter from a personalized account

Corporate mail is reliable protection and support for your business. Use the mail that corresponds to the domain address of your site. Also, pay attention to the column “From whom” — you can simply enter the name of your company or creatively beat the newsletter.

For example, it is worth conducting a newsletter reactivation of users from a corporate account. Such messages do not cause confusion and make it clear who is writing to you. This will protect your data and improve the delivery of emails.

  • The newsletter should talk about the client

The letter should be useful for the buyer. Pictures and brightness in the letter are just fine. But don’t overdo it. The main thing is that everything is clear. A competent design will perfectly emphasize its usefulness.

For example, you send a standard email with order information. Clearly highlight important information for the client inside the letter — order number, date, current status, cost, and so on. You can also unobtrusively remind about promotions and offer a personal discount.

Email Marketing Tools

By 2023, the total number of email users is expected to grow, and that’s fine. Email marketing is not losing ground, but is only gaining momentum and becoming a trend. In this article, we will tell you about 3 useful email tools to attract and retain the attention of customers.

  • Trigger mailings

A trigger newsletter is a chain that is sent when certain events occur. This can be an abandoned shopping cart, the absence of user activity for some time, or a successfully placed order.

Over 50% of customers return to the site if they are unobtrusively reminded of this by letter. And some of this half even becomes a buyer.

  • Mail Templates

Mail templates send mail messages to clients and site administrators. For example, notification of order status change, subscription confirmation, password change request, and others.

  • One-time emails

You can send one-time emails to your customers. For example, you open a new outlet or launch a seasonal sale. Compose a letter to tell users about this news. Experiment with the layout — add clickable buttons, pictures, icons of social networks and much more. Use the possibilities of solutions to the maximum!

FAQ: 3 popular questions about e-mailings

1. How to collect users’ email addresses?

We recommend collecting the subscriber base yourself. You should not buy business leads for yourself. “Purchased” users are not waiting for your emails at all. They are more likely to complain about the letter and click the “Spam” button. Such mailings in 90% of cases will not bring results, but will simply ruin your domain’s reputation.

2. How do I find out the statistics on mail delivery?

The sender of letters is always interested in the question of the effectiveness of his actions. Whether the letters reach the customers, whether the purpose of the mailing has been fulfilled, whether the links in the letters are clicked, and so on. As you send emails, conduct newsletter analytics and make regular email delivery tests — this will help you find out the strengths and weaknesses of your email marketing.

3. How not to get into spam?

When sending a newsletter, it is important to make sure that the user receives the message. When sending mail messages through the standard sending mechanism, it is possible that messages may get into spam or messages may be blocked from being sent. We recommend analyzing the quality of message delivery using spam testers.

4. Do I need to use third-party email delivery services to get started in email marketing?

Choosing a service for letter delivery is a personal matter for everyone. This is not necessary at all. There is a myth that it will not be possible to deliver mailings without a service. But this is just a myth. You can use tools such as trigger mailings, mail templates or one-time email

To summarize

Email marketing is an up-to-date and effective channel for audience retention and one of the effective b2b online lead generation tools. In order for the result of advertising campaigns to be positively stable, it is necessary to maintain the quality of mailings and follow the rules. It is quite difficult to make a business lead out of a subscriber, but with email marketing it is quite realistic. Surprise your audience, experiment and test hypotheses to increase engagement. Use email tools and conquer emails.

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