Categories: Android

10 Most Useful Android Apps for Writers/Bloggers

Mobile phones are not just meant for making phone calls. They have emerged in to small computers now (smart phones). With the growing popularity of tablets, we can now carry the internet connectivity easily. If you are using Android based smart phone or tablet, then you can make use of the following apps to stay tuned with your blogging task. These apps are very much useful for bloggers, or writers:

WordPress App

There is an Android app for the most popular blogging platform i.e. WordPress. Using this app is very simple and you can create and post articles very quickly and easily, right from your smart phone. Apart from creating and posting the article, this app allows the users to add or edit the photos & videos, moderate comments, manage blog, etc.

Blogger App

As like the above app, blogger app is also available on Android platform. If you are using for blogging, then this app would be useful to you. It can provide tremendous joy since you can create and post the article very easily. It is one of the remarkable apps created by Google on Android platform.

Google Reader App

This app will help the bloggers to get updates from their favorite blogs, for which they have subscribed. When you are browsing the internet on smart phone, it would consume much time to get the updates from each of the blogs. Instead, you can use this app to get all updates at one place.

Hootsuite App

It is a social media app allowing the users to send updates to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Special feature of this app is that it can also allow the user to view the click through rates and to schedule the updates.

Google Analytics App

Even when you are on holiday, you can see the blog statistics. This is very much useful for bloggers who love to see the number of visitors every day. This app will also provide provision to know visitors location, count of page views, traffic sources and other data.

Paypal App

You can even manage your Paypal account on the move, by using this app. This app allows the users to shop their favorite things, send money to someone, transfer money, etc. You can check the balance easily through this app.

Writer App

It is nothing but basic notebook apps which helps you to write the drafts and to copy-paste them later.

Gmail App

It is the most common email services used these days. Most of the writers / bloggers are using this email service and hence installing this app would be useful to know the latest emails. This app can be used for connecting to various custom domain email ids.

Twidroyd App

As the name suggests, this app is related to Twitter services on Android. Although there are many Twitter apps, this is considered as the best one by many users.

Facebook App

Stay connected with your social circle even when you are away from routine work life. This would be very much useful for those writers who like to stay connected with their followers or fans or friends on social networking sites.

Randy is a blogger and writer and is currently working on his latest online Project

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