
What is an 844 Area Code Number?

Area codes are the area in which the phone number lives. When you call someone, you will find a number with a specific area code and the number within that area code. When you call your own area code, you will find that the number belongs to your own friends, family, and loved ones.

Are you wondering what Area Code 844 and what does it actually mean? Well, here are the answers. You may have received an unknown phone number and wondered what it means. 

Well, code 844 is a telephone area code that belongs to Illinois. Area Code 844 is primarily an area code. It has been assigned to a lot of cities and regions, including Houston, Las Vegas, and New Orleans. This area code was first introduced in 1997. The largest city, whose area code is 844, is New Orleans.

Area Code 844: What Does It Exactly Mean And How To Use It?

If you would like to know what area code 844 exactly means, then you will find this article to be helpful. In this article, we will look at what area code 844 is and how you can use it.

Area code 844 is a toll-free number provided by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It is available to businesses and organizations offering their customers toll-free services. Businesses can use the number for advertising their toll-free services or organizations to promote their products or services.

Individuals can also use the number to call a business or organization. The number will not be displayed on the caller ID when the call is made. This means the caller will not be able to see the number on their phone bill. The number will only be displayed on the caller ID when the call is answered.

If you receive a call from an 844 number, the caller is likely a business or organization. However, scammers and telemarketers can use 844 numbers, so you should be cautious if you receive an unsolicited call from one. If you receive such a call, you should report it to the authorities.

Note: If you’re interested in getting a toll-free number for your business, you can contact a toll-free service provider to learn more about your options.

How to get an 844 area code?

Here’s how you can get a toll-free number with an 844-

Sign up for OpenPhone

OpenPhone is a business phone system that can help you get a toll-free 844 number. Follow these steps to sign up-

  • Visit the OpenPhone website and enter your email address.

  • After that, create a strong password.
  • Then, enter your company name and your first name and last name.

  • Check the box that says you agree to the OpenPhone terms and privacy policy.
  • Then tap on the get started button.
  • A new screen will appear to be your OpenPhone dashboard.

Go to settings and select a number.

  • From the OpenPhone dashboard, click the gear icon in the top-right corner to access your settings.
  • From the settings menu, click on the numbers tab.
  • You will be taken to the Numbers page, where you can select your new 844 number. Enter the 844 area code in the search box and click Search.
  • If you find a number you like, click Claim number.
  • The next screen is where you can select your plan. You can choose the starter plan, free forever, or the pro plan, which is $15 per month.
  • After that, Check the box that says you agree to the OpenPhone terms and privacy policy and click claim number.
  • After that, you need to verify your account with your phone number.
  • Therefore, Enter your phone number and click send code.
  • Enter the verification code sent to your phone number and click verify.
  • That’s it. Once you have verified, you will be able to use the number.

How toll-free numbers work for US and Canadian callers

Toll-free numbers are telephone numbers with distinct three-digit codes that can be dialed from landlines with no charge to the person placing the call. In the United States and Canada, toll-free numbers are typically prefixed with the area code 800, 888, 877, 866, or 855.

When a caller dials a toll-free number, the call is routed to a special toll-free service provider that connects the call to the intended recipient, a business, or another organization. The service provider bills the recipient for the ring rather than the caller.

Toll-free numbers were initially introduced in the United States in 1967 as a way for businesses to provide customer service without charging callers. Today, they are commonly used by companies of all sizes as a way to provide customer service and sales support, as well as to advertise their products and services.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is 844 a Genuine Number? 

844 is a genuine phone number. However, we are still determining who provided the phone number or to which company it belongs. 

Can I block 844?

Yes, you can block 844 by adding it to your blocked numbers list.

Can I Speak to a Live Person at 844 Number? 

Yes, you can speak to a live person at 844 numbers. The customer support representatives are available 24/7 to help you with your queries.

Is 844 a Toll-Free Number? 

Yes, the 844 number is toll-free. You can call this number from anywhere in the USA without incurring any charges. 

What is 844 Used For?

844 is a general phone number. It is used for various purposes. You can use this number for customer support, sales, general information, and other purposes.


Here we come to the end of this post. Most people were not aware of the tele code number 844. The reason we have decided to add this article to let people know about the area code of 844. 

To be precise, we have added all the information here in this post. Let us know in the comments, if we have missed anything,

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