
The Negative Effects of Gadgets on Academic Writing

Don’t skip this one, we are not going to lecture you, threaten you or encourage you to say “no” to all your gadgets, live in forest and use pigeons to submit your academic papers. However, the recent data regarding the negative effect of gadgets on essay writing becomes more and more disturbing, so we’ve decided to share some of our finding, concerns and ways out with you.

Proven Concerns: Let Statistics Speak

The variety of the research confirm that if people are deprived of the opportunity to use fashionable gadgets daily:

  • 37% note symptoms of unreasonable fear, depression and a pre-depressive condition;
  • 24% complain of general apathy and a decrease in sexual desire;
  • 21% notice a decrease in self-esteem, lack of self-confidence;
  • 14% do not notice any changes but complain that life becomes more boring.

The question is whether this data is particularly harmful for students and their academic writing process or not. Stay tuned.

The Negative Effects of Gadgets on Student’s Life

  1. Lack of concentration. It is proven with the recent actual studies that students using gadgets from their early childhood are less concentrated than their predecessors 20-40 years ago. There are many explanations for this phenomenon. However, the key idea is gadgets distract our attention with new, almost always unnecessary and excessive information. To get back to normal our brain needs from 5 to 15 minutes depending on the character of the distracting factor. That is why diligent students and professional writers use special editors which block the notifications.
  2. Poor memory. We are used to finding everything with Google search. Receiving an answer to a question immediately saves times, but doesn’t give us a chance to store information in a long-term memory. It means that after you submit your paper, you will hardly remember anything stated there. Previously, writing academic papers worked as a perfect tool for getting ready to exams, now essay writing almost lost that function.
  3. Increased number of spelling mistakes. Autotype, autodialer, autotext, t9, smarttext, etc, – these all are the applications or widgets we use to type messages faster. They correct our spelling and guess which words we want to use so we can just choose from several options. The idea was to make our communication more grammatically correct and show people how to write right, but it happened exactly the reverse way. Counting on the autotext widget, we don’t pay attention to how we spell words and when there is a need to write an academic text make much more mistakes even in simple words.
  4. Tired eyes and tired brain. When our eyes get tired, our brain gets tired as well. Being a good student is not a vital task and brains just put your cognitive, creative skills on the standby mode till it doesn’t rest enough. To avoid this pitiful situation and to save your eyes we offer to do simple exercises and install simple free apps which regulate the “blue light” of your screens. Solely this can decrease the eyestrain up to 70%.
  5. Shallow research. What doesn’t get to the first 2 pages in a Google search simply doesn’t exist for the majority of the modern students. It makes the research shallow and based only on popular, well-known sources. To avoid this situation, make your gadgets not your enemy, but your colleague. Subscribe to specialized newsletters with the latest scientific updates, apply for free courses in your discipline and use at least Google Scholar search for your academic papers.

Simple Rules to Minimize Objective Risks

We don’t expect you to follow all of them at once, but choose at least several and try to implement them into your daily life:

  • Learn how to reduce the usage of the phone, take it into your hands only if it is really necessary;
  • Stop looking at yourself with other people’s eyes constantly thinking about “how it will look on my social network page”;
  • Choose live communication, rather than playing on a smartphone or computer;
  • Arrange days without a computer – do not turn it on at all;
  • Process your smartphone, player, tablet or keyboard with disinfectants;
  • Perform simple physical exercises during a long work on the computer from time to time;
  • Use a special stand for the tablet, not to keep it on your lap;
  • When listening to music through headphones, do not increase the volume by more than 80 decibels;
  • Do not use gadgets in poorly lit places;
  • When going to sleep, put the devices as far away from you as possible.

For you own good you should regulate the usage of gadgets and honestly draw a line between the situations in which they are beneficial to your academic and daily life and the situations in which they make you disorganised, nervous and restless.

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